Barrington Music Presents:

Saturday Concert Series

Soloists perform free of rehearsal charge.

(Instructors will coordinate a time for soloist to practice in the stage room during the 2 lessons leading up to the concert)

*We ask that soloists contribute to charitable cause Barrington Music is currently participating in*

Ensembles require 2 – 1/2 hr rehearsals before the concert to ensure a solid performance.

(Group rehearsals are booked on Mon-Fri 8-9pm the week before and week of the concert)

**There is a $20.00 charge per rehearsal ($40.00) to offset the costs of conducting rehearsals**

Schedules will be organized on google calendar.
(Please contact The Studio with any questions)

Shows run 20-30 mins in duration. Invite as many people as you’d like, seating is first come first serve.

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.”

    Clicking Send confirms you agree w/the Above Policies/Procedures & the Commitment that comes with.
    All no shows to rehearsal after confirmation will be subject to a $20.00 fee in addition to the charge for said rehearsal.